HAMAK Solar is honored to announce that the revolutionary new product “Hybrid Solar Supply” will be launched in 3rd quarter. With HAMAK’s unique technology, the Hybrid Solar Supply combines both of PV and utility power to loads without any additional switching device. Hybrid Solar Supply makes the PV power in first priority and draws utility only when the load consumptions are greater than PV power output.
Apart from traditional solar systems, Hybrid Solar Supply no needs any process in grid approval from utility company, and no needs to install any extra equipment. Besides, Hybrid Solar Supply is able to work without go through batteries, increasing the efficiency from PV arrays and saving your cost in battery set-up and maintains. Hybrid Solar Supply provides the easiest way and in most efficiency cost, to completely maximize your energy saving and slash your power bill. The first model, HSS-1000 is built-in advanced MPP tracking and friendly LCD display. If you like to learn more the Hybrid Solar Supply, please contact with HAMAK’s local distributors.